Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist and manage a wide range of common illnesses and injuries

About Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine originated in China and has developed over many centuries. It supports health through assisting with a wide range of common illnesses and injuries, primarily using the therapies of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Other Chinese medicine techniques include moxibustion, Tui-na (Chinese massage therapy), cupping therapy and Gua-sha. Chinese medicine practitioners undertake many years of study, incorporating both the classical aspects of the medicine and a modern bio-medical understanding of disease. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are registered professions under the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. Registration under AHPRA requires a minimum of four years full-time training in an undergraduate bachelor degree or 1.5 years full-time training in a masters course.


Acupuncture is often used in the treatment of pain and to speed up recovery from injury or trauma, particularly musculoskeletal issues. It can also be used to manage a number of common illnesses. The acupuncturist uses very fine, stainless steel needles which are inserted through the skin to the muscle layers at specific sites on the body. Through precisely placing the needles our central nervous system is stimulated to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. This encourages our body’s own natural healing abilities and helps promote physical and emotional well-being. Clinical research has shown that acupuncture can increase endorphin levels in the body, which helps explain why clients often feel relaxed with peace of mind, both during and after treatments. Other measured results of acupuncture include increased white blood cell activity, increased peristalsis and gastrointestinal activity, regulation of blood pressure and hormone regulation.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

The practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine uses a wide range of naturally occurring medicinal plants to manage disease, illness and injury as well as to enhance our general health and wellbeing. The formulas mostly consist of plant-derived materials such as roots, flowers, leaves and seeds, however other ingredients such as honey, liquorice and ginger may be used to prepare the herbs.

What conditions can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help to assist or manage?

By supporting your body’s own healing process Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help treat and manage a wide range of conditions, such as:

//     Fertility
//     IVF support
//     Muscular pain
//     Sports injuries
//     Neural pain, headaches
//     Gastrointestinal disorders
//     Colds and flu, asthma, coughs, allergies
//     Stress and sleep issues
//     Skin conditions
//     Depression and anxiety
//     Women’s health: pregnancy (pre and post natal), menopause, menstruation
//     Men’s health: impotence, urination, night sweats
//     Drug and alcohol issues
//     Cancer treatment support
//     Stroke rehabilitation support
//     Paediatric care

More information

To find out more about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and how they may be of benefit, visit Acupuncture Emporium & Natural Therapy Centre or review the skills and qualifications of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine practitioner Dr Nicola MacDonald (Chinese Medicine).

Our locations for acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Brisbane

Acupuncture at our West End studio, a convenient location near Brisbane city.

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