Category Archives: Uncategorized
Achieving Agility at any Age
Sun,Jul 28, 2024 at 06:34AM by Carla Mullins
Balance is an important system of our body and it is something that as Pilates Movement practitioners we are constantly incorporating into our clients’ program to support their quality of life. At times I see people confuse balance and agility and not appreciate that whilst the concepts are related they are different and both should…..
Grasping the details
Sun,Jul 21, 2024 at 11:57AM by Carla Mullins
Introduction Facilitating quality of life is an essential component of pilates programming and our clients’ motivation for attending classes. Quality of life could be considered the ability to function and perform our daily activities with ease. I have noticed a recent trend to say we do activities now, for example weights…..
Scleroderma – symptoms, concerns and considerations for movement and exercise
Fri,Mar 19, 2021 at 01:52PM by Carla Mullins
Scleroderma, is rare and even more so in males, with the disease most commonly occurring in females between the ages of 35 and 55 years. About 30% of people with the disease will survive for 20 years or more after prognosis. However, males have a poorer prognosis for disease survivorship (Lofgren et al 2016).
Sinus problems- who nose what to do about them?
Wed,Oct 28, 2020 at 09:03AM by Carla Mullins
Sinus – Who nose what you can do about them? The puffy face, bags under the eyes and difficulty breathing is a classic sign of the sinus sufferer. I live with two sinus suffering males, and they joke that my nose is not big enough to have sinus problems. As I push my glasses…..
Chronic stress and its consequences for the immune system
Sat,Sep 12, 2020 at 01:18PM by Carla Mullins
What is stress? “Stress is defined as a process in which environmental demands strain an organism’s adaptive capacity resulting in both psychological demands as well as biological changes that could place it at risk for illness.”(Cohen, Kessler & Gordon, 1995) There are many different theories about stress and about how and why stress affects the…..
The reality of re-entry
Fri,Jun 12, 2020 at 03:00PM by Carla Mullins
Hello and welcome back to the reality of in person clients balancing expectations and needs that may have changed whilst there was a global grounding. During re-entry it is timely to remember that we have all been through a lot whether it be: // through personal experience of disease // social isolation and disconnection //…..
Hashimoto’s disease – and pilates
Wed,Mar 11, 2020 at 08:48AM by Carla Mullins
Hashimoto’s Disease is now considered the most common Autoimmune diseases and affects the thyroid gland. (Beynon, & Pinneri, 2016). It is a disease that I have, and it took years for me to be taken seriously and receive a proper diagnosis. During that time, my health deteriorated dramatically, and even now I struggle to get…..
Boots and all – ankle & feet fracture
Mon,Dec 30, 2019 at 06:39AM by Carla Mullins
Moon-boots are a common sight in my life these days both at work but also on various friends and family members. Post Christmas parties and post new years resolutions are also a time of moon boots. I do wish they were a little bit more fun than the standard black, but I guess they have…..
Pilates teacher or pilates instructor – Why does it matter?
Mon,Sep 09, 2019 at 05:39PM by Carla Mullins
Alice is walking along a path when she comes to a fork in the path, and suddenly she sees the Cheshire Cat in a tree. Alice said. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat……